Apr 7, 2010

(Quickie) Claypot Chicken Rice

Or rather, rice cooker chicken rice! Well, Ah Po made it this way (even grandmothers take shortcuts). And I'm just following suit. Perhaps you don't get as much of the smoky taste as you would cooking it using a claypot, but if you're lucky enough you'll still get the burnt rice at the very bottom of the rice cooker. And that is Ah Po's favorite.

Even though it's a rice-cooker-made claypot chicken rice, it's still yummylicious!

Claypot Chicken Rice
2 cups of rice
3 boneless chicken breasts (or any chicken parts with bones), cut into bite sizes
1 stalk of scallion, chopped (optional, in my case)
3 inches of ginger, skinned and cut into thin strips
6 dried mushrooms, soaked and cut into thin slices
2 chinese sausage, sliced

Seasoning for chicken:
2 tbsp of oyster sauce
1 tbsp of soy sauce
1/2 tsp of cornstarch
1/2 tsp of sesame oil
5 dashes of white pepper powder
1/4 tsp of sugar
1 tbsp of xiaoshing cooking wine

Seasoning for rice:
2 tbsp of soy sauce
1/2 tbsp of dark soy sauce
2 tsp of cooking oil
A pinch of salt

Add chicken seasoning to chicken and mix well. Marinate for an hour in the fridge.
Rinse and clean the rice in a rice cooker after the chicken is marinated for an hour.
Add the rice seasoning into the rice and start cooking the rice.
Heat up a wok with some cooking oil. Add in ginger, chicken, mushrooms, and chinese sausage. Quickly stir fry until chicken is half-cooked. Dish out and set aside.
Add the stir fried ginger, chicken, mushrooms, and chinese sausage into the rice cooker when the rice is almost dry and continue to cook till rice is completely cooked.
Leave the rice cooker on "Keep Warm" for 15 - 20 minutes before serving.


ahe said...

r u cOming hOme this sept? u will cOOk fOr us rite ? rite ? :D

Lily said...

I hope so!

Carol said...

your answer tells me that you are coming home!! hurray!